Why Buy from Us?
QUALITY – Jewelry Packaging products such as Cotton Filled Boxes and our Leatherette Boxes have exceptional quality. Top quality means fewer returns for us, too! Year in and year out our return ratio is less than 1%.
DELIVERY – Your order is processed and shipped within 48 hours of receipt so you don’t have to wait or tie up valuable floor space and cash with surplus boxes, displays, gift wrap, etc.
SELECTION – We pride ourselves on offering a wide selection of items in all categories. You’ll always know “that we have what you need, when you need it.” Please see our testimonials.
SERVICE – In addition to our 24/7 web site and email, we have a dedicated live customer service team available 9am – 5:00pm EST. Just call us at 800-556-7390 if you ever have any questions or have ideas on how we can improve our service to you!
VALUE – Our quality products and services offer you the best Return on Investment for your packaging and display dollars. Period.